Meet Our College Board Members

We are fortunate for our Board to be governed by a dedicated group of members from our parent community, Parish of Mount Barker/Strathalbyn and staff representatives.

Meet Nick Crowe

Chair of the College Board


Nick is an IT executive with extensive international experience and Board exposure. Having lived and worked interstate and abroad for a number of years, he and his wife Holly returned to Mount Barker to raise and educate their children in our community. Their connection with our College began before their daughters were ready to start school as they looked for a community where they could all belong and grow together. Their daughters Olivia and Emily are now in Years 8 and 10 and are flourishing as they continue their journey into adulthood. Nick’s vision for St Francis de Sales College is to continue to support our students to be who they are and be that well through inclusive education and relationships to motivate and empower them to achieve their personal best.

Meet Kate Clarke

Deputy Chair of the College Board


Kate is currently an Executive Director with SA Ambulance Service and has had a long career as a Paramedic. She enjoys sharing her knowledge of working with and reporting to a board with key interests in governance, risk and policy. 

Kate is mother to two boys, Lucas and Ben who are in Year 5 and 7 and have been enrolled at St Francis de Sales since Reception. Kate is entering her fourth year as a member of the Board and is currently Deputy Chair.

Kate finds being a Board member to be valuable experience and now has a clearer understanding of the College and Mercy Values. Kate joined the St Francis de Sales College Board as wanted to give something back to the community, to feel more connected and engaged with her boys schooling and to be more aware of the strategy and future of the College.

Meet Olivier Sirop

Parent Board Member and Finance Committee Member


Olivier has worked in Finance, Mining and Technology. He is currently a senior operations manager and happy to put his skills and expertise to the service of the College. He is also part of the Finance Committee and has a wholesome view of what the College is achieving and aiming for. Being part of the Board is also a chance to give voice to other parents through our interactions to bring and raise matters to ensure our children have the best experience and learning opportunities.

Olivier has a son in Year 3. He was impressed by what the College portrayed and the facilities in place. Being a Catholic school was a requirement as it is important to educate on values to grow as a person as well as academically.

Meet Madeleine Harris

Parent Board Member


Madeleine is the Chief Operating Officer at RegenCo, a company she joined over twelve months ago. Her previous twenty-one years were spent at National Australia Bank across executive, management and sales roles.

Madeleine has completed Board Ready through the Australian Institute of Company Directors, has been a committee member in the role of Treasurer for not-for-profit groups, and was Chairperson for NAB’s Indigenous Business Council, and an Advisory Board member for NAB’s Reconciliation Action Plan. 

As a Barkindji and Wemba Wemba woman, Madeleine was raised with an inter-generational mindset that life will be what she makes of it.

Madeleine brings expertise of banking and finance, risk management, corporate governance and compliance, strategic thinking, executive leadership, problem solving along with cultural appreciation to the College Board.

Madeleine together with her husband Gregg have three children enrolled at St Francis de Sales, Ted in Year 6, George in Year 4 and Maeve in Reception.

Meet Geoff Kelly

Parent Board Member


Geoff Kelly is a lawyer and founding principal of a consultancy with offices in Sydney and locally, working with independent and systemic schools including the Catholic education sector; churches; peak agencies; and regulators, with a focus on workplace issues, child protection, and systemic compliance. His work spans all Australian jurisdictions, New Zealand, and the Pacific. After living in NZ for several years while continuing his Australian practice, Geoff and his wife Niomi settled on the Adelaide Hills as the place to raise and educate their daughter Liliana, who attended Alive ELC before transitioning to Reception in 2022. Liliana is a proud Geneva House girl, and loves the experience of St Francis de Sales College which is now very much part of life for the whole family.

Geoff’s motivation in joining the Board is to help make the College the best place it can be, with a particular focus on the wellbeing and pastoral support of our students, and our teachers. He is keen to foster our connections with family, and to explore how the College can engage with our local first nations community to create opportunities for their children to access a St Francis de Sales education.

Meet Inga Petkovich

Parent Board Member


Inga is an Executive Director with Australian Federal Government, with over 20 years experience in public policy administration, operations management and leading people. Underpinned with qualifications in law, project management and HR, Inga brings a wealth of experience managing complex and diverse matters with strong governance.

A country girl at heart, Inga holds high the value and importance of a village to help nurture children. This is what drew Inga and husband Ben to the Adelaide Hills to raise their three children. With Zavier, Amielle and Finnley prospering at St Francis de Sales and Alive ELC, Inga joins the Board to help the College village continue to grow with her children. Bringing a strong focus on community through connection with each other and the traditional custodians of the land on which we live and learn, Inga hopes to cultivate relationships across the school.

Meet Mark Rogers

Parent Board Member


Mark is a General Manager of Risk, Resilience and Information Security for one of Australasia’s largest local technology companies. With extensive experience in strategic risk, assurance, and corporate governance across Federal and State Governments, and commercial organisations. Mark is in his fourth year as a Board member and in addition to the College Board, sits as Independent Member of the Risk and Audit Committee on two local government council committees.

With two boys, Hudson and Maverick in Year 1 and Year 3 and a daughter in Alive ELC, the Rogers family journey with St Francis de Sales extends well into the future. Mark joined the Board to contribute back to the College and to better understand its values and strategy for the future. 

Meet Amanda Webb

Parent Board Member and Finance Committee Chair


Amanda is a finance professional with over 25 years experience, 15 of those in ASX listed environments based in Adelaide and prior to that with a “Big 4” accounting firm.

Amanda and her husband Clayton and their two girls live in Mount Barker and enjoy bike riding as a family, cooking up a storm to share with friends and family and participating in sports. Cora (Year 5) and Skye (Year 3) attend St Francis de Sales College and enjoy the broad range of extra-curricular activities, including dance, music and excursions/incursions, the College is able to offer children and their families. Amanda looks forward to assisting the Board in its capacity of supporting the students, teachers and College community to reach their full potential as a vibrant educational community with strong bonds that support children and families with diverse learning requirements.