
The St Francis de Sales College uniform is a vital part of the identity and culture of the College. Our expectation is that the correct uniform is worn at all times in a neat, smart and well-groomed manner. For more information please read the uniform policy below:

Uniform Shop


Hills Schoolwear is our uniform supplier. They are based in the Mount Barker Homemaker Centre, and part of the Worklocker family.

Opening Hours
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
Saturday, 9am to 12noon

Website: hillsschoolwear.com.au

Email: admin@hillsschoolwear.com.au

Telephone: 8323 6150

Location: 6 Dutton Road, Mount Barker


Second Hand Uniforms

Second hand uniforms are available for purchase from the College. For enquiries please contact the College direct via email office@stfrancis.catholic.edu.au or call 8393 1000.

For those families who have previously provided uniforms to our volunteers for sale, we can advise that all items of current uniform styles will be managed as a separate entity by St Francis de Sales College staff, until such time as all items are sold. Proceeds of these sales will be returned to you as agreed and on the sale of the item involved.