Reception to Year 2

Our Vision: 'Nurturing creativity and love of learning’

Our Reception to Year 2 experience is a place for families. Parents and carers are the child’s first teacher.

We value the importance parents play in the development of their child. In sharing the knowledge, the skills and the learning journey, we can work together towards the very best outcomes for each student.

As children move form Reception through to Year 2, learning becomes more structured with a strong focus on Literacy and Numeracy.

Our approach is placing the child at the centre of learning to ensure that we are creating an interactive learning environment which will allow each child to consistently achieve their best.  

Our curriculum is aligned with the development of the Australian Curriculum. We believe that by adopting a proactive approach to wellbeing and teaching our students will develop the skills of resilience as we prepare them for their future life.   

Curriculum Reception – Year 6

At St Francis de Sales College we ensure that the learning programs delivered across R-6, incorporate a range of differentiated activities, allowing for all types of learners to engage and display their knowledge.

We endeavour to teach our students about the world they live in, by strictly aligning our Learning and Accountability plans with the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) guidelines, and shaping them into relevant and insightful programs to teach our students.  

Our staff are committed to ensuring that all learning environments promote growth and foster development of the whole person, which is part of our holistic approach to education at St Francis de Sales College. As a community, our staff, students and parents work collaboratively to create a powerful and enriching place for children to discover themselves.

As an Early Learning to Year 12 College, a large emphasis is placed on the growth of a student, throughout the duration of their learning journey, both academically and emotionally. Our College seeks to develop faith, respect and understanding through the teaching of our Catholic Identity and the development of our vision, to ‘Be who you are, and be that well’.

Key experiences on the Reception to Year 2 Journey

Reception - Year 2 iPad to School

Student Voice is Valued

High Family Engagement

Strong Foundations in Literacy and Numeracy

Student Leadership Opportunities

Sense of Belonging

Meet some of the team

  • R-6 Director of Learning: Alice Taylor
  • R-6 Literacy Leader: Alice Taylor
  • R-6 Numeracy Leader: Michael Baker
  • R-2 Leader: Fran Nicholls
  • ESO Administration: Jackie Hargreaves
  • Director of Students: Dale Hoffman
  • Head of Equity and Inclusive: Jo Cains
  • College Counsellors: Alisha Fleming and Katelyn Sayers
  • Learning Area Leader – Arts: Martin Gray
  • Learning Area Leader – Health and PE: Nadia Honner
  • Learning Area Leader – Language: Rebecca Nottle
  • Learning Area Leader – R-12 Religious Education: Stephanie Hocking
  • Learning Area Leader – Technologies: Branden Hill
  • APRIM: Oreste Farrugia
  • Deputy Principal - Community and Wellbeing: James Gill
  • Deputy Principal - Learning: Paul Wadsworth
  • Principal: Andrew Baker
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Meet Alice Taylor

I am lucky enough to have been a part of the St Francis de Sales College community for many, many years now. I love working and belonging in such a warm, vibrant, and caring Catholic community in the beautiful Adelaide Hills.

I have taught across many year levels in R-6. Being our R-6 Literacy Leader since 2019 and a Community Leader in 2020 has been both a wonderful challenge and privilege that I relish every day. I have loved stepping into the Acting R-6 Director of Learning in 2021 and look forward to continuing in this role into the future.

Meet Alice Taylor
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Meet Fran Nicholls

Teaching is a challenging and rewarding profession and I feel very lucky to have the opportunity to work with Reception children and be a part of their learning journey. It is a privilege to support and guide each student to reach their full potential.

My three daughters all loved their time at St Francis de Sales College and I also enjoy coming to work each day and being a part of the College community.

Meet Fran Nicholls