Vocational Education Training Pathways

We are committed to providing a holistic approach to education and recognise that each student learns differently. Our students have the opportunity to participate in a range of SACE subjects and Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses that allow them to explore various pathways, as well as experiential learning such as workplace learning and industry immersion days. We aim to provide our students with purpose and motivation as they enter their senior years by offering flexible pathways to meet their needs and interests.

How does VET work?  

VET qualifications offer students the opportunity to gain industry-specific skills and knowledge that are necessary for future employment. Integrating practical learning with academic studies supports students to make informed decisions about their career paths. 

Depending on the VET course, students will typically attend VET one day per week, and the remaining four days at school. Students can elect to have a VET study line in lieu of an elective subject to support completion of schoolwork delivered on their VET attendance day.  

The SACE enables students to include a significant amount of VET in their SACE studies. Students can gain recognition for up to 150 SACE credits at Stage 1 and/or Stage 2 for successfully completed VET. 

Students interested in trade pathways can undertake courses that provide them with the foundational skills required to secure an apprenticeship or traineeship.  

Students intending on studying at university may also benefit from a VET qualification. Studying a VET course can support students to develop industry-relevant skills, provide meaningful employment whilst studying and contribute to ATAR calculation (applies to completed Certificate III qualifications or higher).  

VET courses can assist students who are uncertain about their post-secondary school plans by helping them clarify their career goals, make more informed decisions, and acquire transferable skills that employers value.

VET in 2025 

Three students completing school based apprenticeships, and two that have moved into full-time apprenticeships.  

Across years 10, 11 and 12, 54 students have chosen to incorporate VET into their schooling, accessing a range of courses including: 

  • Automotive Taster Course 
  • Introduction to Beauty  
  • Certificate II in Automotive Servicing Technology 
  • Certificate II in Construction Pathways 
  • Certificate II in Cookery 
  • Certificate II in Electrotechnology (Pre-Apprenticeship) 
  • Certificate II in Engineering Pathways 
  • Certificate II in Plumbing (Pre-Apprenticeship) 
  • Certificate II in Salon Assistant 
  • Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance 
  • Certificate III in Dance 
  • Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing and Disability) 
  • Certificate III in Information Technology (Game Development Foundations) 
  • Certificate III in Rural Operations (Agriculture) 
  • Certificate III in Rural Operations (Animal Care and Husbandry) 
  • Certificate III in Screen and Media (3D Animation and Modelling) 
  • Certificate III in Legal Services 
  • Certificate III in Sports Coaching 
  • Advanced Electrotechnology 

As a member school of the Adelaide Hills Student Pathways (AHSP) alliance, we have the unique opportunity to offer our students a wide variety of VET study options. For a full list of the courses available, please refer to the AHSP website.

We have strong relationships with training providers outside of the AHSP alliance, so if your child is interested in a VET course or industry area not offered by the AHSP alliance, please speak with our VET Coordinator to determine what study options are available to them.  

To discuss how a VET, apprenticeship and traineeship pathway may support your child’s education, please contact our VET and Careers Coordinator at info@stfrancis.catholic.edu.au.