Holy Week and Easter
As we journey through Term 1 and enter Holy Week in Week 9, we get closer to the most important and joyous celebration in the Church’s Liturgical Calendar: Easter; the resurrection of Jesus.
“In this time of Lent we are reminded of the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ. Some of the disciples and many of his followers, including family and friends, thought it would all end there – with a dead Jesus. When they went to the tomb on that resurrection day that`s precisely what they were expecting. They forgot about the promise of Jesus that, on the third day, he will rise again. The empty tomb is a sign of LIFE in the midst of suffering and death. The message is clear that with the resurrection of Jesus death is conquered. While we face the anguish of senseless and unnecessary deaths in the world today, we are reminded that the suffering servant who died on our behalf not only suffers with us, but also brings life to all. Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. (John 11:25).” (World Council of Churches)"
Holy Week and Easter
As we journey through Term 1 and enter Holy Week in Week 9, we get closer to the most important and joyous celebration in the Church’s Liturgical Calendar: Easter; the resurrection of Jesus.
“In this time of Lent we are reminded of the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ. Some of the disciples and many of his followers, including family and friends, thought it would all end there – with a dead Jesus. When they went to the tomb on that resurrection day that`s precisely what they were expecting. They forgot about the promise of Jesus that, on the third day, he will rise again. The empty tomb is a sign of LIFE in the midst of suffering and death. The message is clear that with the resurrection of Jesus death is conquered. While we face the anguish of senseless and unnecessary deaths in the world today, we are reminded that the suffering servant who died on our behalf not only suffers with us, but also brings life to all. Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. (John 11:25).” (World Council of Churches)"
As a College we are celebrating the Passion of Jesus during Week 9. The hillside on our College site, adjacent to the Year 1/2 and Year 5/6 Learning Communities will be used as a Stations of the Cross trail, representing the 14 Stations of the Cross depicting Jesus’ final days on Earth. Each class has been rostered to journey through the marked trail and stopping to reflect on each of the Stations. What does Jesus’ response to his suffering tell us about faith, love, and hope? How can we strive to walk in the footsteps of Jesus in the way we relate to our family, friends, and people we meet? This is a wonderful opportunity for students to be in stillness and ponder their own life, and what it means in relation to our Catholic Tradition and/or their own belief system.
We then obviously have our Easter break, where families may wish to attend the many Church services at Our Lady of Mercy Church, Mt Barker. Please see below Parish service times.
Parish Mass times during the Easter period
Palm Sunday Masses
6:00pm (Saturday), 9:00am at Our Lady of Mercy Church, Mt Barker. 10:45am at Good Shepherd Church, Strathalbyn
Holy Thursday Mass
Good Shepherd Church, Strathalbyn at 7:30pm
Good Friday Stations of the Cross
Good Shepherd Church, Strathalbyn at 10:50am
Good Friday Commemoration of the Passion
Our Lady of Mercy Church, Mount Barker at 3:00pm
Easter Vigil Mass
Our Lady of Mercy Church, Mount Barker at 7:30pm
Easter Sunday Masses
Our Lady of Mercy Church, Mount Barker 9:00am
Good Shepherd Church, Strathalbyn at 10:45am
It’s important that during Holy Week we especially focus on what Jesus went through for us. It is still a time of preparation and reflection. In light of this, a reminder that at our College the sharing or gifting of Hot Cross Buns and/or Easter Eggs should only happen after Easter, which would be in Week 10 this Term.
On our return to the College in Week 10, we will celebrate Easter as a community, with the celebration of the whole College Resurrection Mass.
I wish you and your family a special time of reflection as we enter Holy Week, and a joyous time of celebration on Easter Sunday!
College Day
This year, we have moved College Day to Term 1, Friday 12 March, to make the most of the beautiful weather and to start the year in celebration and acknowledgment of who we are as a community and what is at our core. This of course encompasses our Mercy heritage, the narrative of St Francis de Sales, our Heart Values, the way we nurture our students to ‘be who they are, and be that well’, and the excellent learning achievements that take place within our community.
College Day is the main fundraising activity for our Term 1 Caritas Project Compassion Appeal, with the fundraising component being a Walkathon, that all students will participate in. We are asking students to collect sponsors or ask for donations for their efforts, from family members, friends, etc. The Sponsor sheet was sent out to families in previous correspondence, but will soon also be given to students in hardcopy. All students are expected to review the Caritas Project Compassion ‘Fundraising Levels’ below, to determine their own fundraising target total. The money collected is due to be brought back to the College on Monday of Week 11 (8 April), so that it can be counted and finalised prior to College Day.
Caritas Project Compassion ‘Fundraising Levels’
$25 Support farmer in Malawi to buy disaster resilient seeds
$35 Provide hand sanitiser to communities in Samoa
$100 Support health workers administer essential medicine in the Philippines
$150 Provide a family with a safe toilet in Malawi
$200 Provide support to households in need of house repairs and toilet construction in the Philippines
$250 Provide a handwashing sink to household in Samoa
$500 Provide skills training to 15 people for income generating activities in the Philippines
$1,000 Support 3 health workers in attending to the needs of their community in the Philippines
For the Walkathon to be successful, we are also seeking parent volunteers to walk with the students. Please email Oreste Farrugia if you have a current Working With Children Check (WWCC), ensuring you have completed the College's volunteering requirements, and are able to assist on the day. Thank you to those parents who have already responded and offered to volunteer. I’ll be sending more detailed information to you shortly, about your involvement.
Other components of the day include a liturgy, inflatable jumpy castles, sports activities on the oval, and the famous Talent Show to end the day of fun and connection.
Year 7 Reflection Day
At our College we used the theme of ecological conversion for our Year 7 Reflection Day, which explores the Pope’s message in his encyclical, Laudato Si, and gives the students a very practical engagement with the natural world.
We recently held our Year 7 Reflection Day at Laratinga Wetlands as a way to assist the students coming into secondary school with their transition and to help them form connections with each other and the natural environment. Kim Thompson from Environmental Connections co-facilitated the Reflection Day with us, and each of the Year 7 students rotated through three activities, including a Prayer Labyrinth exercise where students had the opportunity to form a mini-labyrinth using air-dry clay; a bird and wildlife identification session through the wetlands with Fr Richard and Kim Thompson; and a team building exercise to reinforce the importance of working together to achieve a common goal. The theme of the day was Go the extra Mile, based on the scripture passage from Matthew 5:38-42, and the students were able to reflect upon how they ‘go the extra mile’ for others and for the natural enviromnent.
I thank Kim Thompson, Fr Richard, and the following staff for their work in making this a very informative and enjoyable day: Jen Ness-Ferry, Adam Schembri, Emma Toohey, Sophie Cope, Dale Hoffman, Jade Pace, and Sr Shiji.
Year 11 Spiritualities, Religion and Meaning Excursion
Our Year 11 students recently attended an excursion to the Mary MacKillop Museum in Kensington, as part of their Stage 2 Spiritualities, Religion, and Meaning course for Religious Education. They had the opportunity to take part in a quiz which took them around the museum and Marys Walk around the Kensington area. This excursion was a very experiential learning opportunity which will assist the students with their current assessment task. It was also a terrific connection point for the students, with our one and only Australian Saint, as we walked in the area that she lived, worked, and connected with community.
Early next term, our Year 11 students will take part in their two-day Year 11 Retreat, being held at the Mylor Campsite. We look forward to it and the brilliant presentation that our guest faciliator, Sam Clear, delivers for us.
The Genesis Project

The Genesis Project is an initiative created to assist our community members to be mindful of, and take care of, our natural outdoor environment. Each fortnight, the Eden Award is awarded to the Junior School Learning Neighbourhood who has shown great effort in keeping their area tidy, during that two week period.
We congratulate Year 1 and also the Reception cohorts for their efforts in keeping their outdoor areas tidy, and using their recycling bins correctly during Term 1 thus far. As a result of their Term 1 efforts, each of these communities were awarded the Eden Award, which they have placed as a symbol on their classroom prayer tables. At the end of each term, the Genesis Trophy will be awarded to the Junior School Learning Neighbourhood who wins the most Eden Awards in that given term.
The Genesis Project was based on the scripture passage of Genesis in the Bible, which speaks of Gods creation of life and Gods deep and unconditional love of created life. The Pope has written an encyclical about our call to be custodians of the creation, and it's called ‘Laudato Si’ - “Praise be to you, my Lord”. In the words within this encyclical, the Pope reminds us that our common home is like a sister with whom we share our life, and a beautiful mother who opens her arms to embrace us.
In essence, this is the Easter story!
In Peace,
Oreste Farrugia