College Day & Project Compassion
We concluded last Term on such a high, in great celebration of who we are as a College, with our annual College Day. This day was also the culmination of our generous fundraising for Caritas Project-Compassion during Term 1. Our liturgy to start the day, beautifully unpacked our heritage in the Mercy Sister narrative and the life of St Francis de Sales. Our students then had the opportunity to have some fun with their friends on the jumpy-castles, sporting activities, and the Walkathon.
College Day & Project Compassion
We concluded last Term on such a high, in great celebration of who we are as a College, with our annual College Day. This day was also the culmination of our generous fundraising for Caritas Project-Compassion during Term 1. Our liturgy to start the day, beautifully unpacked our heritage in the Mercy Sister narrative and the life of St Francis de Sales. Our students then had the opportunity to have some fun with their friends on the jumpy-castles, sporting activities, and the Walkathon.
College Day concluded with the famous ‘Talent Show’, which was extremely entertaining! I’d like to acknowledge all of the students who applied to be in the Talent Show. We had 42 Acts apply and we needed 10 Acts on the day. It takes an enormous amount of courage to perform on stage in front of the whole College, so I sincerely commend all students who applied. Thank you too, to the staff who braved it, and took part in the Talent Show – I’m sure the students appreciated it!
There were some prize winners on the day, and I congratulate them on their efforts. They are:
- Best Dressed (R-6): Layla and Marlee Hill
- Best Dressed (7-12): Wildcats Group (Yr 12)
- Best Dressed (Staff): Charlie Wyatt and Harry Cates
- Talent-Show prize winners: Max Ireland, Massimo Mora, Alec McKinlay, James Bell, Lachlan Anderson, and Mrs Plumridge’s staff-group
This year’s College Day was the first time that we merged the Walkathon into it. As a College community we did an absolutely tremendous job at raising funds for Project Compassion through the Walkathon and other activities/donations. The amount we raised is certainly a record for our College. We raised a total of $21,764.15. Thank you so much for your generosity! This will assist so many people in great need. In terms of our House Competition for this fundraiser, the Houses are listed below in order of highest amount raised, to lowest: Savoy, Geneva, Lyon, and Padua
So many people were involved in the organisation and preparation of College Day. I won’t name people, as I’m sure I’ll leave people out. Thank you to all our staff, parent volunteers, and student leaders for your wonderful assistance in the lead up, and on the day.
Year-of-Prayer 2024

The Pope has announced that 2024 is the ‘Year-of-Prayer’, where we are invited to focus more intently on prayer and what it means for us. As part of this focus, the students in Year 1 have listened to a beautiful story called 'Can I Pray with my Eyes Open' by Susan Taylor Brown. It is a story about a little girl asking where and how she can pray to God.
The Year 1 students reflected on the times and places the little girl prayed to God and also reflected on the times and places they can pray to God. Wonderful work!
Mother's Day
In the month of May we obviously celebrate all mothers and mother-figures, and acknowledge the amazing-ness of all they are and do. We also remember mothers who are no longer with us and keep them in our prayers. Of course, during the month of May, we remember in a very special way as Catholics, Mary mother of Jesus, and the significant role she played in the narrative of our faith.
The Parent-Community-Group hosted our annual Mother’s Day Stall earlier this term, and I thank Lia Hooper, Aisha Sirop, and Emma Stewart for volunteering their time to facilitate the stall for a full school day. The stall enabled many students to select a gift item that their mothers would love unwrapping and using on Mother’s Day. The stall made $2,330.90 which will be used by the Parent-Community-Group for activities to support and engage parents within our College community. If you would like to join the Parent Community Group, or want more information about it, please contact the Chair, Lia Hooper at
Vinnies Winter Appeal
As you are aware, this term our charity focus is the Vinnies Winter Appeal, which includes our Vinnies Sleep-Out. The Appeal assists Vinnies to provide emergency relief to people at risk and experiencing homelessness. Your donation will help the Vinnies volunteers to rebuild lives of people in need within our local Mt Barker community.
Each Home Class has been given a basket to put their donations in. For our College, Friday Week 9 will be the close of the Vinnies Winter Appeal and the last day for people to donate items. Thanks in advance for your support of this Appeal and your generosity.
All donations are welcome, however Vinnies has informed us that the following items are most needed:
- Tinned and packaged soups
- Tinned meats
- Packaged pasta
- Biscuits (sweet and dry)
- Tinned vegetables,
- Vegemite
- Peanut butter
- Jams
- Coffee and teas
- Any kind of toiletries like toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorants and soaps.
The Vinnies Sleep-Out will be held on Wednesday 26th June, and include dinner, team activities during the evening, input from a guest speaker, and the sleep-out overnight on the Junior School Deck in cardboard boxes. The next morning, the participants will have breakfast at ‘Breakfast Club’ and then get ready for the school day. As part of the Sleep-Out, all participants are required to collect sponsors or donations from people, for their efforts. The Vinnies Sleep-Out is open to students in Years 6-12 and staff. If you are interested in participating in this, please email me for more information.
Year 11 Retreat
In Week 3 of this term, we held our Year 11 Retreat at Mylor Baptist Campsite. I congratulate the Year 11 students for their engagement in this Retreat, and thank the staff Branden Hill, Ros Mattner, Emma Toohey, Tim Dornan, and Jade Pace for their commitment to this experience.
“Led by the insightful guidance of Sam Clear, the Year 11 cohort listened to his incredible stories about how he walked across the world for unity. Through this retreat we were faced with challenges such as the giant swing, high ropes and archery. However, personally for me reflection was the hardest. I was taken outside of my comfort zone by being asked to step back and think, this helped me think more about the person I want to become in life. Sam Clear supported us to reflect on how we as students react in situations, what our conditions are in life and how to find our belonging. Sam clear walked 15,500km, went through 20 countries all in 568 days, driven by a mission to create Christian Unity. Risking his life, Sam faced life changing challenges on his journey. He mentioned he wanted to quit, but his relationship with God kept him going. Through the lens of growth, belonging and flourishing, he shared how he kept positive through tough times, and he helped us reflect on how life may be, by using challenging activities with us. He highlighted how our reactions in situations can create different outcomes. For many, the highlight of the retreat was the opportunity to conquer fears and push beyond comfort zones, whether this was through the thrill of archery or the soaring thrill of the giant swing. Personally, for me my highlight was connecting with my friends at the bonfire at night, where we spent time as a cohort socializing and toasting marshmallows under a starlit sky. I hope my fellow peers enjoyed this time of reflection and learning as much as I did.”
Ruby Vears, Year 11 Student
Laudato-Si Week
During Week 4, we celebrated Laudato-Si Week within our Catholic Church.
Laudato-Si is an encyclical written by Pope Francis about the deep need for all of humanity to ‘care for our common home’ – our planet and all people, creatures and natural wonders that live on it.
Our College acknowledged this in a practical way. Each homeroom was given a potted native-Australian plant to look after during Laudato-Si Week. During this time, Homeroom Teachers had the opportunity to direct students to engage with the messages in Laudato-Si and discuss/reflect on its impact in their lives and within our community. The plant was used as a symbol on prayer-tables to focus this message, and in some cases, students researched information about their particular plant – and gave it a name!.
The ‘naming’ of the plant is interesting, as it reminds me of the quote from Jacques Cousteau, “You can’t save what you don’t love, and you can’t love what you don’t know.”
Wednesday 5 June is International Environment Day. On this day, a ceremony will be held at the College that involves the planting of these seedlings in the garden bed near the Year 3/4 building. A representative from each homeroom will be involved in this planting ceremony. This connection with and planting of these seedlings, is hopefully a small way that we can continue to build deeper relationships with our natural world.
We recently celebrated Pentecost within our Liturgical Calendar. This acknowledges the time after Jesus' ascension into heaven, when his followers were filled with the Holy Spirit. They were given the ability to be able to communicate to people from all nations and spread the Good News message of Jesus Christ. It is viewed as the birthday of the Christian church.
On Thursday next week, there will be a whole-College Mass to celebrate this as a community. Students need to be in correct uniform for this Mass, with Year 7-12 wearing their blazer or Year 12 Jumper (not PE uniform).
Keep warm as we enter cooler weather ahead.
In Peace,
Oreste Farrugia