We are approaching the final weeks of Term 3, and take this opportunity to look back over what has been an eventful month since our last Link Up. As always, it has been a busy time, where staff, students and parents/caregivers have been engaged in a variety of events and activities promoting learning, wellbeing and community.
Book Week
The theme for Book Week 2023 Read, Grow, Inspire embodies the power of reading and the opportunities it promotes for those who regularly seek solace in the written word. Our College came alive with staff, students and parents reading together, immersing themselves in the creativity, imagination, and the joy of reading. I had a great time reading ‘We’re Going On A Bear Hunt’ to the R-2 students and we were thrilled to be joined by some young people from Alive ELC. The best part of this experience for me was having the students demonstrate their engagement with the story by performing joining in the words and actions. I hope and trust that the other staff, leaders and parents/caregivers involved in reading to our Junior School students also had similar enjoyable experiences. Our Book Week celebrations culminated in the magnificent R-6 Book Week Parade, with students and staff dressing up as their favourite book characters. Our 7-12 students did not miss out on the fun with a number of our talented students demonstrating magnificent literary, collaboration and communication skills by teaming together to Write a Book in a Day as part of the Friday festivities. A big thank you to all of the staff, students and parents involved in this exciting week.
National Child Protection Week
Last week was National Child Protection Week and the message that ‘Every child in every community needs a fair go’ was complemented with the theme ‘Where we start matters’. The week was a good opportunity for teachers to reinforce relevant and important child protection messages to our students, in an age and stage appropriate manner. Staff also took time to reflect upon the College’s Child Safeguarding and Child Protection policies and procedures. We know, as educators, that we make a significant difference to our students every day, and that maintaining a safe, welcoming and inclusive school environment is paramount to ensuring a positive educational outcome for all.
Learning Reviews and Tour of Learning
College Learning Reviews and Tour of Learning are strong reminders of the partnerships that exist between school, parents/caregivers and students to help students achieve their best. Across our senior years families recently had the opportunity to meet with teachers and talk through their child’s learning progress and experience of school during our Years 7-12 Learning Reviews. The R-6 Tour of Learning will take place next week (Week 9). We appreciate the time staff take to prepare for these meetings and also acknowledge the parents/caregivers and students who, through these learning focused activities, have demonstrated the desire to engage positively with their teachers in order to reflect on student learning, growth and development.
Staff Reflection Day
Our College Staff Reflection Day took place at the Laratinga Pavilion last Friday. The theme, in line with our Heart Value focus for 2023: Respect, was our 'Sense of Place' and Aboriginal culture. Our main presenter for the day was Mickey O’Brien (a Kaurna Elder), and staff also had the opportunity to experience silk painting, weaving, contemporary aboriginal dance, and bush tucker and didgeridoo sessions. It was a wonderful day of learning and reflecting on our place within this wonderful Hills environment, as well as creating an atmosphere of collegiality for our staff. Thank you to our College APRIM, Oreste Farrugia, for his key role in organising this great day.
New St Francis de Sales Principal
If you missed the communication last Wednesday, we are thrilled with the news that Andrew Baker will be commencing as the Principal of St Francis de Sales College at the start of 2024. Andrew is currently the substantive Principal at Nazareth Catholic Community and prior to that was Principal at Gleeson College. Andrew is known to many St Francis de Sales community members from his time here as Deputy Principal between 2005-2014. He brings a wealth of leadership skills and experience, a strong understanding of Catholic Education, our College and the broader Mount Barker community, as well as an ongoing commitment to excellence in teaching and learning. We look forward to having Andrew present at upcoming transition opportunities and to him beginning here fulltime from the start of 2024.
I also take this opportunity to again thank Gavin McGlaughlin for his leadership, vision and innovation he contributed to our College community as Principal over the last six years.
Barker/Hills District Schools Lightning Carnival
Earlier this week we hosted the annual Barker/Hills District Schools Lightning Carnival. It was a fantastic opportunity for our Year 5/6 students to engage in friendly competition with students from other local primary schools, and they did so with great energy, enthusiasm and respect. The community spirit of our College was on display with students from Years 9-11 involved in umpiring and coaching throughout the carnival. It was a great celebration of the R-12 nature of our College, with staff and students across these year levels working together to achieve a common goal and a successful outcome for everyone involved. Well done to Nadia Honner and her PE team for their organisation of this event, which showcases our fabulous facilities and people.
Paul Wadsworth
Acting Principal